Tide Times

If you’re planning to go sea kayaking, knowing when tide times are is essential for navigation and safety. The timing and strength of tides can vary depending on factors such as the phase of the moon, the position of the sun, and the local geography of the area.

Tides can affect the speed and direction of the water, the depth of the water, and the timing of a kayaking trip. Understanding the direction and strength of the tide can help kayakers plan their route and avoid areas of strong currents or dangerous tidal races. Additionally, planning a trip around the tidal cycle can ensure that kayakers have enough time to complete the journey before the tide changes, avoiding potential hazards and using the tide to aid their journey.

If you’re interested in learning more about coastal navigation and tidal planning, British Canoeing and the Scottish Canoe Association offers a range of courses to help you develop your skills and knowledge.

Where can I check Tide Times?

You can check tide times online for the next 7 days on the following websites:

UK Hydrographic Office (Admiralty)

Books Recommendations

Sea Kayak Navigation: A Practical Manual, Essential Knowledge for Finding Your Way at Sea by Franco Ferrero

Tide Timetables can be purchased at Thomson’s Newsagents in Kirkcudbright or online via Tide Timetable Books
Quick Tide Times – this tool is useful for rough planning around Scotland (e.g. planning a trip somewhere new although you still need a local tide book for more detail)

Navigation Courses

Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning
Open Water Navigation and Tidal Planning