Kirkcudbright Canoe Club meets throughout the year on Monday nights. We are a group of Kayakers and Canoeists who participate in all aspects of paddle sport including White Water Kayaking, Touring and Sea Kayaking throughout Dumfries and Galloway.
We welcome both beginners and experienced paddlers. During the summer we run coaching sessions for everyone outdoors, while during the winter months, we practice skills and rescue techniques at Kirkcudbright Swimming Pool. Club kit is available to borrow for club members on club nights on a first come first served basis.
If you would like to join us please contact John Blakie.
Club membership is £20 for adults and £10 for those under 18 per year.
Membership includes 3rd party insurance through Paddle Scotland (formerly known as the SCA). You must be a member in order to paddle with us.
Session Prices
Outdoor Sessions will be £30 per block per person. (or £6 per person per night). The summer is split into two blocks. Booking is essential.
We will continue to follow any Paddle Scotland and Scottish Government guidance and have updated our risk assessment to comply with current guidance. We will continue to review this going forward and take steps as advised. Regular updates will be added to our Facebook Group Page.
Our Policies
You can view copies of all our club policies including those adopted from Paddle Scotland on our website here.